No typing errors, all simulations seemingly integrated
Graphs, price signals and simulation results are automatically generated
Thermal, hydro, wind, solar, CSP and storage.
Create multiple scenarios that run seemingly on the Cloud.
Determine scenario goals and restrictions for the optimal allocation of investments.
Monitor CO2 savings, mix of energy generation technologies and impact on the system.
Automatically save your work and let the optimization happen on the Cloud. No extra IT.
Online problem solving and support assistance. Automatic updates. Save time.
Evaluate the optimal generation and transmission capacity expansion plan of the power system. Incorporate renewable targets, CO2 emission taxes and uncertainty such as hydro production, demand, fuel price, and others. Make use of traditional mixed integer programming or Benders decomposition techniques to efficiently solve your problem.
Schedule the optimal operation of a price taker hydroelectric plant to maximize energy income of energy sales in the market. Detailed modeling of cascading hydro networks and technical modeling of hydro power generators are taken into account.
Schedule the generation fleet to meet demand and co-optimize reserves allocation with great detail. Include constraints such as minimum operating levels, minimum up and down times, ramping rates, CCGT operating modes, among others.
Schedule the use of reservoirs in a hydro-thermal system minimizing the expected fuel costs under uncertainty. Export the results as volume targets or future cost function hyperplanes.